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Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Литейный пр., 57

Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb on Street Photography and the Poetic Image

4741 ₽
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Автор Webb A.
Издательство Aperture
Год издания 2014
Переплет Твёрдый
Страниц 128
Формат 190x251 мм
Язык Английский
ISBN 978-1-59711257-4
Артикул 1192554
In this series, Aperture Foundation works with the world’s top photographers to distill their creative approaches, teachings, and insights on photography - offering the workshop experience in a book. Our goal is to inspire photographers of all levels who wish to improve their work, as well as readers interested in deepening their understanding of the art of photography. Each volume is introduced by a well-known student of the featured photographer. In this book, internationally acclaimed color photographers Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, offer their expert insight into street photography and the poetic image. Through words and photographs - their own and others’ - they invite the reader into the heart of their artistic processes. They share their thoughts about a wide range of practical and philosophical issues, from questions about seeing and being in the world with a camera, to how to shape a complete body of work in a way that’s both structured and intuitive.

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